Sunday, August 21, 2011

Summer Reading-How'd I do?

So, I read a lot this summer...loved every minute of it! The kids did the Summer Reading Program at the library and got their free books from the summer program at Barnes & Noble. So, we all read! Here was my list from the beginning of the summer:
(From June)
I am excited to plan my are some of the books I plan to read this summer:

1. Some classics: reread Jane Eyre and read Middlemarch ***Read Jane Eyre, but did not read Middlemarch...yet!
2. some other more contemporary classics I missed: A Tree Grows in Brooklyn ***Didn't get to this one yet
3. Parenting books: I am currently rereading 12 Simple Secrets Real Moms Know and I'd like to read Growing Grateful Kids. I plan to read 50 Things Every Gentleman Should Know to my boys and have the journal about it ***Not sounding so good, but didn't finish 12 Simple Secrets, neve bought the Grateful Kids book, and didn't have the boys journal the 50 Things, but want to do that this year
4. Some interesting reads: Tolstoy and the Purple Chair, The Paris Wife, Summer Rental ***Still on library wait list for the first 2, but read Summer Rental-total beach read
5. Bossypants-heard so many friends loved it! ***Still on library wait list
6. Finally read Water for Elephants...finally ***Someone borrowed, need to get it back!
7. and whatever else comes up on my on hold list at the library...make sure you friend me on to see what I end up reading this summer
8. I am currently reading The Unexpected Circumnavigation right now for my new reading group: From Left to Write. ***Read, it was OK...needs a major editing job

But I did read: About 28 books and some of my favs were:
In Stitches-very funny read about a young Korean boy growing up in Michigan and going to Med School (true story!)
I, Mona Lisa (historical fiction about who was the Mona Lisa....soooo good!)
Cate of the Lost Colony (ever wonder what happened to lost people of Roanoke Island??)
Sarah's Key-heartbreaking, but excellent
No More I'm Done- Great teaching resource for writer's workshop-LOVE it!
360 Degrees Longitude-one family's trip around the world in a year, so interesting to read their descriptions of other cultures!
The Wilder Life-story of a woman searching for more information on her fav series: Little House on the Prairie (learned a lot from this one!)

What about you??? What did you read? I am a bit comes the reading focus is on my kids when I'm at home and doing lesson plans after they go to bed, in place of my reading time...but hopefully will be back to reading soon!

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