Saturday, November 27, 2010

I am Grateful...

(Pictures include Kendall's first haircut...and playing with the WII with the Ferguson kiddos)
....I am Grateful for my sweet family, for my kids who tell me 100 times a day that they love me, for my Joe, who does the same, and buys me a banana shake and McRib when I was sick in bed yesterday, for my mom and dad, who love spending time with my kids and spoil them, for my mom and dad-in-law, who adore my kids, as well, and are so sharing, for my sisters, who are great aunties and sisters to me, for my nieces and nephews, especially Maddie, who I wish we hung out with more...:-) and for my great sister and brothers-in-law....I am a lucky girl! Not to mention all my great friends....oh I could go on...just counting my blessings.

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