Friday, December 28, 2012


Do any of you do a "word for the year" a la Ali Edwards?
I start the year out with a word...but within a few weeks, don't think about it much. However, this year, I'd like to stick with it. I know most people don't follow their resolutions, but I am going to make a BIG effort to follow my word-MINDFUL.
I chose that word that because I think in this technology driven world, we aren't being very mindful. I know I am guilty of playing with my iphone, half listening to my children tell me a story. That makes me feel sick to my stomach. I want to be there-all there-for my kiddos. It's proven that if you don't listen to them now as young children-fully-they won't be willing to share with you when they are teenagers. I am reading Brene Brown's new book-Daring Greatly. It's fabulous! It's hitting me right where I need a kick in the pants. After finishing a chapter last night, that's when I lay in bed and thought about my word for 2013. Highly recommend it!

I know my thoughts are all scattered, but I am going to make this year the year that I really *think about gratefulness*be thankful*listen*eat healthy*get healthy*be more creative*write more letters*share*be the best me* AND I think all of that falls under mindfulness.
I will be back later today or tomorrow to share my fav books of 2012 (linking up to From Left to Write).

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