Thursday, June 15, 2017


Wow, I finally hopped onto my blog again. I've mixed it. I started a teaching blog a few years ago...but abandoned gets in the way. I have no idea how bloggers write so much and take care of day to day life!
It's summer now. I have more time! A lot has changed since I last blogged. I have a high schooler. Seriously. I can't believe it. My little man, the baby I carried around LA in a Baby Bjorn, who made us a family (as we like to tell him) now going into high school. He's so big! He is bright, curious, funny, and a hard worker. He received an award for the highest GPA in middle school (kept up his grades while also starring in several theatre productions). He has future goals of applying to Harvard, Stanford, Yale, and now, after his 8th grade trip to NYC and DC, NYU!

My middle son is starting middle school in the fall. He has a phone now. A phone! He texts me cute texts and "I love you" texts during the day. Melt my heart. He's funny, silly, stubborn, bright, creative, and kind. He loves sports and video games. He's very good at the piano, though he wants to try the guitar now.

And my baby. My baby 9 and sassy, witty, funny, loud, sweet, and has a BIG heart. She loves school, theatre, reading, creating anything, and cuddling with her mama and dad.
Time goes by so fast...I'm just trying to soak it in...and enjoy each precious moment with my kids. I'm not sure what I'll write about in my blog, but I look forward to any outlet for writing. I am teaching a writing academy starting next week, so I could use the time spent writing.
I'm writing for me, but if you happen to stumble upon my blog, please say hi.