Tuesday, January 01, 2013

2013 Resolutions

Wow! 2013 is here! Happy New Year! I love the new year-new start, new beginnings, hope for the upcoming year... I always make resolutions, but like most people, don't keep them much after March.
This year, I started reading The Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin (see www.happiness-project.com) right before New Years. Perfect timing! I have decided to pattern my resolutions after her happiness project.

*Each month, I will focus on one area of my life (preferably one that will make me happier). Each month will have a set of "resolutions" to start trying to live by. When the month is over, I will start a new area of focus, but continue to do the resolutions from the previous month.

*January is HOME. I plan to *stick to a cleaning schedule *do a few home projects that have been put off (make benches for the playroom table, paint, polish the doorknobs, get bark for the front walkway) *set up a chores schedule for my children *declutter

*February is ENERGY. I hope to *go to the gym or run 3 days a week *drink more water *eat healthier (cut out soda, snacks, sugary foods) *get more sleep (8 hours a night?!)

*March is HOBBY TIME. I want to focus on leisure activities-what is fun to me. Gretchen's book about her leisure time-what makes her happy was fascinating to me. She discussed that some of the things we do for "fun" aren't even really fun for us. Her new rule of life (well, one of them anyways) is: what's fun for some people may not be fun for others. Food for thought... *focus on my photography, practice!!! *do more scrapbooking-catch up on boys' school albums (though "catching up" stresses me out, I do enjoy the creative process) *read about creativity *set up office to be more efficient for Joe and me

*April is FAMILY. *implement family night weekly *check in/tweak chores schedule *Put phones away more often *start Technology Sabbath (something I read about recently in Sunset magazine...technology break from Friday night sundown to Saturday night sundown (personally the computer/ipod/iphone/tv situation drives me crazy!)

The next months include:
*I am working on the specifics of those months, including mailing birthday cards to friends, starting bi-weekly date nights, doing some of the pinterest projects I've pinned, join a Bible Study, family volunteer activities, etc...

I thought if I blogged about how I was doing, it might keep me more accountable. Even though there are only about 2 of you out there reading this...:-) That's OK. I blog for me. ONE of these days I will make my blog book...maybe July's resolution???

Anyone else read this book? What are your resolutions???

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