Monday, January 21, 2013


So...this month, I am not doing too well on the resos...oh wellll....there are 11 other months! The hallway is half painted...thanks to Joe still being down for the count. But it will be done...maybe today???
I have been thinking about my cleaning and purging, and trying to figure out what I am drawn to when I look for inspiration. I like clean...not a lot of clutter...I like little whimsical bits (colored frames, words on the wall, etc.). So I went through half of the kitchen yesterday-the eating and table area, and tried to make it look "clean"...took off the tablecloth, made a place for keys and sunglasses in a drawer, not out on a counter, cleaned out my kitchen baskets that get stuffed with mail and receipts and I have an empty one ready for a new home. Organized my home binder. Cleaned out part of my closet. Filled up a trash bag-LOVE that feeling! Now, I feel like I am on a roll.
Starting the boys on their plan tomorrow. They will have a container of quarters on their dresser. For the first week, they get to keep their daily quarter if they make their bed before school and do their homework before bed. Last week, they were so bad about getting homework least 3 mornings, they were finishing in my classroom. Then, the next week, I will add a "zone" that daily needs to be cleaned to keep their daily quarter (like bathroom, or family room, or playroom,etc...). Starting small! Will keep you posted. Hope to have 4 things they have to do daily.
Anyway...hope our new work pans out. Still trying to get more home stuff done before the end of the month. Today, off to replace fridge filter and buy a new flag pole for front of the house. And take my kids on a McDonald's date and park time. Happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day! Wish I had a magic fairy to clean up my house!

1 comment:

Erica Hernandez said...

I can't believe how big our girls are now!

And baby steps on the resolutions, right? Every little step counts :)