Monday, May 12, 2008

A Must Read...

OK, my name is Amy and I am a parenting book junkie...I read them all! And I think they are all pretty good...but I found one I REALLY like, and this one won't sit collecting dust on the shelf with the others...

Go and get it! The "secrets" are very simple and ones we actually already know...but it is good to hear it "attentive listening" to your child. Focus on the child, and turn everything else's easy to get so busy with life that we hardly slow down and sit and do nothing. I know I usually am driving, cooking, nursing, cleaning, etc. while chatting with the kids...but now I am making more of an effort to do nothing but sit and listen. It happens every night at bedtime for sure, but now trying to extend it more throughout the day. Anyway, just had to share...not done reading it, but enjoying and absorbing it in my quest to be a better mom!

Happy Belated birthday to Robin!!!! And congrats to Virginia on the news she is expecting a little GIRL!

1 comment:

laura vegas said...

attentive listening ... that's something i'm NOT great at. lol! i'm always doing 17 things at once ... so i'm not always listening like i should be. something i've been trying to do for a while now ... slow down a little. just hard sometimes!