Spencer and Grandma at Seaport Village
The view of SD on the Seal Tour: bus that turns into a boat!

Aunt Jenny & Spencer

We're home from San Diego, had to get these pics up for some special relatives! Thanks, Jenny & Justin, for letting us stay with you!!!!! Can't wait to go back! My mom gets a special thanks for braving the trip with me and 3 children! Thanks, Mom! Tomorrow I'll post some more pictures, inclusing more of my Coop. I didn't get any good pics of him on my camera at Mission Beach, but I think Jenny did. He wasn't feeling quite up to beaching it that day. When we went to Ocean Beach, he was much happier and ready to play! My kids love Ocean Beach for some reason, maybe it's the laid back vibe, anything goes, maybe because it was the first beach they ever went to (all three of them, Spencer at 8 months, Cooper at 4 months, and Kendall at 4 months). Who knows?