Tuesday, September 16, 2008


MAKE sure you scroll down to see updated pictures (2 posts ago...)

I'm baaaack....Joe got the new router and we're in business! Busy here...new things going on this year...homework! And soccer! And getting out with 3 kids every morning! But we're still standing!

I had a wonderful (albeit, way too short!) weekend! I met up with 3 of my college roomies, Kim, Ashley, and Charlotte. We met in Pismo Beach (about 3 hours from each of us). Just a great day/evening of talk, talk, and more talk, a few drinks, some sleep, beach, out to dinner...hope we didn't scare 17 weeks pregnant Charlotte with all our labor stories! Well, she'll be prepared for anything now! :-) It was nice to have girl time. Our hotel was so nice, with our balcony overlooking the ocean...just like old times at our apartment in Santa Barbara (Isla Vista to be exact...not the same thing as SB!) I had to cut the weekend short, though...I forgot a piece of my pump...nursing mothers can probably imagine how I felt! But I am looking forward to Girls Weekend 09! I am staying for 2 nights since I won't be pregnant or nursing! Kendall will be 17 months old (wooo....scary thought!)...Girls, thanks for a fun weekend!!!! :-) Miss you! Hopefully you can come next year, Robin!

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