Sunday, May 31, 2009

More etsy love...

Since I'm giving the shout outs, here another awesome etsy site...and the girls are local (and one is sweet blog reader, Donavan...and check out her blog here)....I'm so ordering a pillowcase dress soon for my girl...aren't they so cute!!!! And the bags are very sweet, too...I could go broke on etsy, I tell ya!
Like she needs anymore clothes...haha...Grandma bought her a new cute outfit at Gymboree today (LOVE that store!). and I...cough cough...bought her one too...but hey, it was on sale for $7! All of Gymboree's stuff is 30% off right now!

Are you taking out those wallets yet??? Ahh...just in time for a frugal summer, the joys of teaching, an 11 month paycheck schedule....check out this article about a no spend month (Heather, you might be interested! :-))). I've done this before, but found this article pretty interesting.
Ok, better go get ready for last week of school:

-planning, boxing up my room, lugging those boxes home, field trip, finishing report cards, graduation party for Spencer, making gift for his teacher, Bunco!, starting swim lessons tomorrow, saying goodbye to my students and my staff at school (boo!), celebrating Spencer's 6th birthday, getting ready for his joint party with Cooper next, I'm tired just typing this out...

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Sew anyways... that anyways, I am becoming obsessed with creating and sewing...and I've only sewed one dress, but it was fun! and cute! I've stumbled onto a very cute site and etsy shop...Sew cute shop...and she is having a KNOW how much I love a go check it out! Share some etsy love...

Monday, May 25, 2009

Weekend fun!

We've had a great weekend so far...and it's not even over...Happy Memorial Day!
Spencer enjoying a dip at Steph's...we had a BBQ there on Sunday.
The kids eating dinner...not pictured: Cooper and Kendall...what a bunch! At Grampy's Birthday party on Saturday...the grandkids, minus a sleeping Pana.
Happy Birthday, Grampy!

Do you think it's time for a new water slide???

Grampy and his girl, Maddie!

The "dress"...I made it! :-) And our little walker!!!

Not officially from this weekend, but I love this shot! BFF!

Enjoy your day!!!

Saturday, May 23, 2009


Busy week...Open House, applying for teaching assignments (still...), kiddo time, t-ball (wow, t-ball is fun, but it's a long season!) Little Miss watching the game with her Aunt Chelle....we got a little pool and the kids love it! Even the Gresham cousins, who have an in-ground pool, love coming over to {swim}! :-) The kids love playing outside, bike riding...
Here's our sweet neighbor Samantha pushing Kendall on her bike!
Be careful if you fall asleep at our house...Spencer put this fake spider on Coop!

Last night Steph, a wonderful teacher, taught me to use the sewing machine and helped me make a cute little dress for Miss K! I'll take a pic of her and post it. It was fun...and there was something strangely relaxing about sewing...oh, I sewed in girl scouts and in 7th Grade Home Ec (do they even have those classes anymore?), but it never clicked. After seeing all the cuteness on Etsy, I HAD to learn to sew!!! not to sell, but to just make! Oh, no, another hobby...I need another desk! :-)

Fun weekend's Grampy's birthday today and tomorrow we BBQ at Steph's with the Ferguson's! Vicki, we'll miss you guys! (And congrats on the "auntie" news...totally thought it was you! LOL!)
What about you??? any exciting plans??? Happy Memorial Day! Thinking of our soldiers in this time (actually think of them all the time) and how brave and wonderful they are to give their lives to service for us! Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

A Day in Merced's history

Yesterday I was lucky enough to attend UC Merced's graduation, the first class to successfully complete 4 years at the newest UC. Those students worked hard to secure Michelle Obama as their keynote speaker....they sent letters, Valentine's cards, a video about how they believe in her...and it worked! She chose UC Merced graduation class to give her first commencement speech as First Lady!
(I know it's hard to see HER in the on them if you want and you can see her bigger! :-))
Now, I'll be honest. I didn't vote for Obama and I wasn't a big fan of Michelle's. No issue there, just not a big fan. But yesterday, I left the graduation with a newfound respect for her. I REALLY liked her and the speech. She gave a great speech! It was about our town of Merced, and how proud she was of the graduates. She encouraged them to work hard, to make a difference, and encouraged the UC campus and Merced to work together to help our community. I felt very proud to be a Mercedian! Just an very inspiring speech...everyone should love it...there were no politics involved...just be a better person period. Thank you, Michelle Obama! :-))))

The turnout was huge...and it was fun to run into a few people I haven't seen in a long time. The heat...not so good! Very hot! But hey, that's the Central Valley! Missy and Michelle trying to get the perfect shot!

A local woman, Jenni, sang in the pre-show and it was fun to see her. I've know her since high school and I think she was Joe's first the 4th grade! LOL!
Anyway, that was our day...a great day for those wonderful graduates and our community!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

hi, it's me...

random thoughts:

*Use a small mesh laundry bag to keep baby socks from getting lost/eaten by the washing machine/dryer...wish I would have done this ages ago

*Kendall is sleeping through the night...most nights...I find myself a little sad as she is my that strange?I know a few of you may be cursing me right about now...don't hate! (Speaking of, Spencer asked Daddy to write his name in "curse" the other day...cursive!) :-)

*Didn't watch Grey's yet tonight....reading, doing laundry, staying up waaay too late....don't ruin any spoilers for me!

*reading some interesting new books...more like skimming...don't have much time lately....

*no news yet on my job sitch for next year...still hoping a better position will open up for moi! I've always been "lucky" in jobs and get the ones I want, so hopefully my luck will continue!

*In Iceland, they don't like to eat "ugly" food (they used to throw lobsters back into the sea), but they do eat yucky food...rotten shark, anyone? Gleaned these from a book I'm reading...see my goodreads link on the left.

*Trying to decide what book to buy with my amazon gift certificate....I'm been getting most of my books from the library, so it's a big deal to actually buy a book now! Haha! Think I am getting a photography book...

*15 more days left of it...and hate it....hate that I will have a 1st grader at home...someone who will be gone ALL DAY next year...I am having slight panic attacks over can my baby be ready to be gone from me all day??? Now I know why some parents must home school (NOT that I want to), but simply because they can't bear the thought of their babies away that long...and now that kinder will be full day here, 1 more year until Coop will be gone ALL DAY...makes me long for the days when my boys were so little and this 2 years ago...

and now I'm emotional...better go to bed...lack of sleep is doing me in!

Happy Friday!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Weekend pix

Birthday pix (2 cakes!)...park pix...cute pix...Grandma pix...and one of Miss Maddie from last no order...enjoy. :-)

Happy Mother's Day!

Happy Mother's Day to all the mamas out there! I feel lucky to know so many wonderful moms, and have two terrific moms of my own!


Thursday, May 07, 2009

cranky cranky

...describing me! Yes, I'm a little cranky right now...I found out yesterday that I am being moved to another school that is the farthest one from my house and from my current school. Not to mention the worst part...I was assigned grade 4/5 combo...ugh...those are.the.worst!!! So, I'm a little cranky...the good news is that I can apply for any open position starting next week. It just sucks, our economy and the state govt, for all the junk we're going through. Shouldn't education always be fully funded??? Yes, we are supposed to be getting stimulus money, but until the check is in their hands, my school district can't rely on it. So, the bumping began...after 13 years of teaching, I'm pretty upset. But what can you do??? I'm going to try to turn this frown upside down...but maybe tomorrow...can I wallow in my self pity for a little while longer....LOL!

But again, counting my blessings. Seeking gratitude. I'm grateful for:

1. my happy, healthy children

2. my husband who is helpful (and cute)

3. having family nearby

4. summer is on its way

5. a job, yes, it could be worse...:-)

So there...turning my frown upside down.

On a lighter note...
1. I won at bunco! I got the most buncos! yippee!!!

2. It's almost my birthday!

3. had yummy nachos for El Asadero

4. the weather is spring-y!

5. found this cool new website...check it for a big laugh!

6. I love these people...