Tuesday, July 07, 2009

9 years ago today...

My honey and I were looking forward to tomorrow, July 8, 2000. Our wedding day!!! What a great day! I was so nervous, but felt calm the day of our wedding. I knew we were a perfect match! Love you, Joe!
Been busy here, taking walks, playing, playdates, 4th of July parties, Bunco tonight (I was a big winner again! Lucky me!), and tomorrow Joe and I are headed to Monterey to celebrate and have a night without children...that will be weird!
Started "chore cards" with the boys each morning, and they are working out pretty well. They have to do the chores on the cards before we do anything else. But I always add something fun, like computer game, read with mom...if you'd like to check it out, click here (and then download the cards! Easy!)...non-readers can use them, too because they are pictures, too. Got from this awesome blog!! I am going to add some more that fit us...like pick up Legos...since they are always found all over the house and my boys love the small ones, perfect for Kendall to choke on, ha!
Anyway, happy July!

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