Tuesday, April 08, 2008

I'm baaack!

Hello all! Thanks for stopping by to check on Kendall! She's doing great! As Joe wrote 2 days ago, she was born on Sunday, April 6 at 5:55 AM. She was actually born with the cord around her neck..scary! But she is fine now! She is so sweet and loves to be cuddled. She likes to eat, and we had to give her a pacifier yesterday because she loves to suck!

We came home yesterday since we both were recovering fine. I think we slept better at home, though we had a good hospital stay. Our hospital is great! We had a party on Sunday afternoon, 15 people in our room (The Browns and the Greshams!). The boys were so excited to see their new sister. Cooper kept saying, "Baby from Mommy's tummy!" Then Joe's grandparents, Nana and Grandpa came by for a nice visit, too. Kendall slept through her parties!

We survived our first night home. The boys are doing fine, though they are bit wound up. Cooper went to his sitter's today to play with his friends. Spencer has not gone back to school yet. Tomorrow. Kendall was awake and a little fussy at the beginning of the night, but I finally caved in, swaddled her tight, and cuddled her next to me in bed. She slept fine! I really would rather her sleep in the bassinet or pack n play right now, but last night we just needed sleep!

I apologize for not calling some of you from the hospital. I was packed for weeks before we left, but forgot to bring my phone cord. By Sunday afternoon, my phone was almost dead, and I really needed to conserve the batteries so my boys could reach me if they needed me! Daddy went home and had a slumber party that night instead of staying with me. We thought the boys would enjoy having some time with Daddy before the new sister came home and our world was changed...for the better! We are thrilled to have Kendall join our family! The Brown Five! :-)
Pictures: Kendall in crib, Spencer and Kendall at home, Cindy & Charlie (grandparents), Nana & Grandpa (great-grandparents), Daddy and his girl...Mom, I didn't get a good one of you with her on my camera, hopefully Michelle did, or we'll just take a new good one! :-) (You and Dad!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

She is beautiful and perfect!!!! I'm so happy she's finally here and can't wait to see her soon. Congratulations on joining the big family club with us - it's fun!