Sunday, January 09, 2011

Catching up!

So I did the under the sink challenge last night (AND in a stroke of good luck, the pantry was already done...I did that right after Christmas, so I am happy about a day already done! Scroll down a bit for those pantry pics). And I had a sweet helper while her brothers were at a slumber party for cousin Tyler.

Here's the before...gross...and the vases mixed in...

And here's the after...much better! I put the "green stuff" (Shaklee, Seventh Gen) in the green basket...get it?? I am so clever..not! LOL! I need some more Shaklee, need to try some other cleaning supplies, though I LOVE the Basic H2! That stuff is the best! I also moved the vases to a new home. The pink basket holds the sponges and Magic Clean erasers.

Other updates:
Grateful for books (some of what I'm currently reading), sleeping children, yummy California burritos at Victoria's, having a girl, and when my sweet kids receive awards: Go Cooper-he got Writer's Hall of Fame!

Other news...still doing my 29 this! LOVE looking around to find someone to gift...last night had a nice 30 min. conversation with my Grandpa on the phone...I rarely call him, but I plan to start calling him every weekend to chat. I know he's a bit lonely! The call was my gift to him, and I felt so happy afterwards! I've heard many people finish this challenge and want to keep doing it. I think that's me!
On Day 5 of my 30 Day Shred with Jillian Michaels...and I am starting to finish the workout and NOT feel like I will collapse. In fact, I did a few more sit ups after last night's viewing...Catch me in 30 days! Whoo-hoo!


sabrina said...

Good Job! Keep it up!

Sally said...

Wonderful, Amy! So many great things happening in your life. :)