Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Hall Closet clean out

OK, so one day behind (but oh this felt good)...the Hall closet! Holds coats, games, bags, snow and winter gear, summer gear, and who knows what else. It has become my stuffing ground...

During...spread out in the hallway...while making tacos...
And afterwards..voila! I am happy with how this turned out. Put the winter gear into the big red tub, put mittens and hats into the clear tub,

straightened the games and puzzles (we have to keep them up this high when you have small children and small pieces), and even, so happy, fit the vacuum.
So now it can be hidden instead of always out! I moved the summer gear to a blue tub for the garage. I even used a special hanger to hang my bags!

The pink hanging thing (LOL) is from Ikea, and it's supposed to be for Kendall's closet. I stuck it here, threw in scarves and hats, and am envisioning a place for swim goggles, sunscreen, etc. in summer. The boys have one in their closet for soccer gear, baseball uniforms, etc.
Today's challenge: the TOY AREA....that will have to wait until I can literally attack the playroom...this 3 day (whoo-hoo) weekend. I have some major work there (and hopefully some willing 7 year old and 5 year old helpers!).

Grateful for:
Family dinners: Cindy and Charlie took Joe and me out for dinner last night to celebrate (belated) Joe's birthday. YUM!

My label maker...seriously....I am in love! I'm already out of my first cartridge!


Sally said...

Very spiffy!!! I'm grateful for my label-maker, too.

My world said...

big difference!! looks great!