Friday, June 20, 2008

Back to our regular scheduled posts...

...thanks, Vicki, for the link to the new template! See the link on the left if anyone is interested! LeeLou blogs....

Potty training 5...doing OK. He started off on a roll, doing great, 2 accidents on Tuesday...but then today was not that great. Accident and then #2 in his shorts...yuck! He refused to put on underwear, only wanted a I gave in...for now...we aren't at home right now, hanging at Grammy's house, so he is going back to undies when we get home. But it has been easier than I thought. beloved van is making me mad...needed new brakes this week (don't go to Sears!)...and then this morning as I was pulling out to take Cooper to his sitter (he goes on Fridays so he can play!) and Kendall to her 2 month shots, my car sounded funny and sure enough, I had a bad flat. Towed it to the tire store's not flat! The air had been let out of it....that's scary! I know there are randoms that troll our streets on Thursday night since Friday is trash day and all the cans are out...Joe's actually called the police before because a bunch were congregated in front of our house a few months ago...hmm...childish prank (Joe remembers doing this as a child to a winnebago!!) or mean random?
Anyway, better's HOT here today!!! Kelli, you picked a hot time to come home! Hope you are having fun with your parents! :-)

1 comment:

Vicki said...

LeeLou has some cute templates, huh? You actually picked my fav, the Lauren. I just couldn't get it to work quite right! :)